Kidney function is critical to our overall health. When our kidneys aren't functioning properly, it impacts our body's ability to clean and filter out extra water from our blood as well as helping to control our blood pressure.
Dr. Gura is often the media's choice for detailed explanations regarding kidney function. Such was the case this past week during Lamar Odom's kidney failure.
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Kidney function is critical to our overall health. When our kidneys aren't functioning properly, it impacts our body's ability to clean and filter out extra water from our blood as well as helping to control our blood pressure.
The US National Kidney Foundation (NKF) has rolled out a humorous and educational campaign to encourage people to take care of their kidneys. The campaign is the organization’s first attempt to motivate people to get their urine screened from a relatable,
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a silent killer that has been on the rise in U.S. over the past decade.
You’ve just been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and you are not sure what you can eat in the future. Here’s a quick blog to get you started with your new menu plan.
Maintaining a healthy diet is important, especially if you are afflicted with kidney disease. Adjusting to a strict, kidney-friendly diet can be a challenge, but it is worth every bite.
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